
Leukocytes are white blood cells (WBCs) – left b=basophil, e=eosinophil, m=monocyte, n=neutrophil.

Leukocytes are subdivided according to presense or lack of granulation:

granulocytes generated by granulopoiesis :
--- basophilsmast cells
--- eosinophils
--- neutrophils

-lymphocytes generated by lymphopoiesis
---B lymphocytesplasma cells
---T lymphocyteshelper T cells, killer T cells
--- ○ natural killer cells → lymphoid dendritic cells

- ○ agranulocytes generated by monocytopoiesis
----------------.myeloid dendritic cells

Tables  Fc receptors  Immune Cytokines  Immunoglobulins

æ Archaea & Eubacteria ¤ Cancer Cell Biology ~ Chemistry of Life  Diagrams & TablesEnzymesEvo Devo Molecular Biology φ Molecules ō Organics ››› Pathways ▫▫ Virus

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. . . since 10/06/06