site map

ф Immunology Overview
A ф activation (activation B : activation T : activation complement cascade ) ф affinity maturation ф anergy ф antibodies ф antigen ф APCs ф autoimmunity
B ф B cells ф basophils ф blood
C ф cancer and immune system ф cancers of immune system ф CD ф cellular response ф class-switch recombination ф clonal selection ф complement system ф costimulation ф cytolysis ф cytotoxicity
D ф dendritic cells
E ф eosinophils ф evolution of immune and coagulation systems
G ф gene conversion ф graft rejection ф granulocytes
H ф helper T cell ф hematopoiesis ф humoral immunity ф HIV/AIDs
I ф immune cytokines ф immune response ф immune tolerance ф inflammatory response ф interferons ф isotype switching
K ф killer T cells
L ф leukocytes ф leukocyte adhesion cascade ф lymphocytes ф lymphokines ф lymphoid system
M ф macrophages ф maturation ф MHC ф migration ф monocytes
N ф neutrophils
P ф pathogens ф pattern-recognition receptors ф phagocyte ф plasma cells
R ф receptors
S ф secondary antibody diversification ф signaling ф somatic hypermutation, somatic mutation ф surface receptors
T ф T cells ф thymus ф (tolerance)
V ф vaccines ф VDJ recombination
Tables Immunology Section Complement Receptors Cytokines Fc receptors Immune Cytokines Immunoglobulins Interferons Scavenger Receptors Toll-like Receptors .
Cell Adhesion and Signaling Molecule Section Cell Adhesion Molecules Cell signaling Cytokines Fc receptors Immune Cytokines Immunoglobulins Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) Receptor Signal Transduction Second Messengers .
Cell Biology Section Apoptosis vs Necrosis Apoptosis Cell Adhesion Molecules Fc receptors Immune Cytokines Immunoglobulins Malignant Transformation Oncogenes Proto-oncogenes Second Messengers Scavenger Receptors Toll-like Receptors Phosphate-handling Enzymes .
Neoplasia Section Malignant Transformation Oncogenes Proto-oncogenes Regulatory Proteins Sequences .
Receptors Cell Adhesion Molecules Cell signaling Complement Receptors Fc receptors Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) Receptor Signal Transduction Second Messengers Scavenger Receptors Toll-like Receptors
Cell types in blood and solid lymphoid system:
ф APCs, B cells, dendritic cells, eosinophils, granulocytes, helper T cell, hematopoiesis, killer T cells, leukocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils, phagocyte, plasma cells, T cells ф clonal selection
Lymphoid tissues : ф thymus
Humoral immunity:
ф antibodies ф antigen ф complement system ф hematopoiesis ф humoral immunity ф immune cytokines ф vaccines
Immunologic responses:
ф anergy ф autoimmunity ф cancer and immune system ф cancers of immune system ф clonal selection ф complement system ф costimulation ф inflammatory response ф immune response ф immune toleranceф leukocyte adhesion cascade ф MHC ф migration ф vaccines
Molecules :
ф antibodies ф antigen ф CD ф immune cytokines ф MHC ф vaccines
: BCRs : CD28 receptor : NK receptors ф pattern-recognition receptors ф receptors : scavenger receptors ф signaling ф surface receptors : TCRs : TCR engagement : Toll-like receptors
# : 12/23 rule
A : activation T : adhesion molecules : alarmins : allograft rejection : anaphylatoxins C3a, C5a : antigen binding site : antigen uptake
B : BCRs :
C C1 : C2 : C3 : C4 : C5 : C6 : C7 : C8 : C9 : C1INH : CD28 receptor : CD2 : CD4 : CD5 : CD6 : CD8 : CD14 : CD23 : CD27 : CD28 : CD30 : CD31 : CD36 : CD40 : CD45 : CD45 isoforms : CD55 : CD58 : CD59 : CD72 : CD84 : CDRs : class-switch recombination : complement fixation : complementarity determining regions : constant domains : convertases C3, C3/C5, C5 : costimulatory molecules : CSR
D : DAMP : domains (Ig) :
E : epitope CTL/NK : evolution of immunoglobulins
F : Factor B : Factor H : Factor I : Fas-FasL CTL/NK : ficolins
G : graft rejection : granzymes : granzymes CTL/NK
H : hairpin : HMG-1, HMG-2
I : Ig supergene family : ITAMs
M : MBL -MAPS : membrane attack complex : memory B
N : naïve B cells : NK cells : NK receptors
O : opsonin
P : PAMP : perforin : CTL/NK perforin : perforin gene : perforin pore : proteases :
R : RAG1 & RAG2 : RSS
S : scavenger receptors : serine protease CTL/NK: serine proteases and complement system : SHM : SLAM (signaling lymphocyte activation molecule) : somatic hypermutation : stimulation : synaptic complex
T : TCRs : TCR engagement : TIR : TLR : TNFR : transposon :
V : variable domains : VDJ genes : VDJ recombination : VH, VL :